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컴공 종합설계 - Air Diary제작 최종보고서

소개글 Nowadays, there are a few people who write their own diary. And, as technology improves, smart phones are becoming essential aspects of human life so many people start to use smart phone. (Some researcher says that this number which is people who use smart phone is almost 30 million.) So, many companies provide a lot of service in smart phone markets and people use it. We are motivated from this trend so we decide to make an auto diary application. It helps people to make a diary without any efforts. This project uses android smart phone’s GPS (Global Positioning System) and Wi-fi for making diary which is based on user’s location. Users send SMS, take a call with each other, and take a picture by using smart phone. Then, Application records information of users detail on auto diary. Users can read these diaries on his/her smart phone anytime.
  • 컴퓨터
  • 종합설계
  • 최종보고서