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Conductivity Evaluation of a Newly Proposed Material for a SAR Reflector Antenna

소개글 Author: Yoon Seong Sik, Lee Jae Wook, Lee Taek Kyung, Roh Jin Ho, Kim Hark Inn, Yi Dong Woo Organization: Yoon Seong Sik; Lee Jae Wook; Lee Taek Kyung; Roh Jin Ho; Kim Hark Inn; Yi Dong Woo Publish: Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science Volume 14, Issue3, p293~298, Sep 2014
  • CFRP
  • Complex Permittivity
  • Electric Conductivity
  • Gain Loss
  • Reflector Antenna

저작시기 2014-09월

등록일 2016-07-19

파일형식 pdf

페이지 6페이지

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