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Verification of CFD analysis methods for predicting the drag force and thrust power of an underwater disk robot

소개글 Author: Joung Tae-Hwan, Choi Hyeung-Sik, Jung Sang-Ki, Sammut Karl, He Fangpo Organization: Joung Tae-Hwan; Choi Hyeung-Sik; Jung Sang-Ki; Sammut Karl; He Fangpo Publish: International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Volume 6, Issue2, p269~281, 30 June 2014
  • Underwater disk robot (UDR)
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
  • Drag force
  • Planar motion mechanism (PMM) test simulation
  • Bollard pull test
  • Thrust
  • Torque