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Effects of environmental factors on the growth response of above- and below-ground parts of Mankyua chejuense, endangered endemic plant to Jeju province, in Korea

소개글 Author: Kim Hae-Ran, Shin Jeong-Hoon, Jeong Heon-Mo, You Young-Han Organization: Kim Hae-Ran; Shin Jeong-Hoon; Jeong Heon-Mo; You Young-Han Publish: Journal of Ecology and Environment Volume 37, Issue2, p61~67, 27 May 2014
  • fern
  • flooding
  • global warming
  • rhizome
  • soil texture
  • sporophyll

저작시기 2014-05월

등록일 2016-08-02

파일형식 pdf

페이지 7페이지

가격 0원

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