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Effect of the Application of the CBD Output Management Technique for the Development of Operation Software for a Space Observation System

소개글 Author: Seo Yoon Kyung, Rew Dong Young, Kirchner Georg, Nah Jakyoung, Jang Bi-Ho, Heo Jiwoong, Youn Cheong Organization: Seo Yoon Kyung; Rew Dong Young; Kirchner Georg; Nah Jakyoung; Jang Bi-Ho; Heo Jiwoong; Youn Cheong Publish: Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Volume 31, Issue3, p265~276, 15 Sep 2014
  • component based development
  • prototype model
  • software development life cycle
  • requirement traceability

저작시기 2014-09월

등록일 2016-08-17

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