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The Analysis of the Topside Additional Layer of Martian Ionosphere Using MARSIS/Mars Express Data

소개글 Author: Kim Eojin, Seo Haingja, Kim Joo Hyeon, Lee Joo Hee, Kim Yong Ha, Choi Gi-Hyuk, Sim Eun-Sup Organization: Kim Eojin; Seo Haingja; Kim Joo Hyeon; Lee Joo Hee; Kim Yong Ha; Choi Gi-Hyuk; Sim Eun-Sup Publish: Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Volume 29, Issue4, p337~342, 15 Dec 2012
  • Mars
  • Martian ionosphere
  • Mars Express
  • Mars advanced radar for subsurface and ionospheric sounding
  • topside layer
  • topside sounder