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Analysis of Delta-V Losses During Lunar Capture Sequence Using Finite Thrust

소개글 Author: Song Young-Joo, Par Sang-Young, Kim Hae-Dong, Lee Joo-Hee, Sim Eun-Sup Organization: Song Young-Joo; Par Sang-Young; Kim Hae-Dong; Lee Joo-Hee; Sim Eun-Sup Publish: Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Volume 28, Issue3, p203~216, 15 Sep 2011
  • optimal trajectory
  • lunar capture
  • lunar orbit insertion
  • finite thrust

저작시기 2011-09월

등록일 2016-08-18

파일형식 pdf

페이지 14페이지

가격 0원

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