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Synergistic effects of elevated carbon dioxide and sodium hypochlorite on survival and impairment of three phytoplankton species

소개글 ##Author: Kim Keunyong, Kim Kwang Young, Kim Ju-Hyoung, Kang Eun Ju, Jeong Hae Jin, Lee Kitack ##Organization: Kim Keunyong; Kim Kwang Young; Kim Ju-Hyoung; Kang Eun Ju; Jeong Hae Jin; Lee Kitack ##Publish: ALGAE Volume 28, Issue2, p173~183, 15 June 2013
  • high CO2
  • marine phytoplankton
  • ocean acidification
  • sodium hypochlorite
  • synergistic effect

저작시기 2013-06월

등록일 2016-08-29

파일형식 pdf

페이지 11페이지

가격 0원

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