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Preparation and application of reduced graphene oxide as the conductive material for capacitive deio

소개글 Author: Nugrahenny Ayu Tyas Utami, Kim Jiyoung, Kim Sang-Kyung, Peck Dong-Hyun, Yoon Seong-Ho, Jung Doo-Hwan Organization: Nugrahenny Ayu Tyas Utami; Kim Jiyoung; Kim Sang-Kyung; Peck Dong-Hyun; Yoon Seong-Ho; Jung Doo-Hwan Publish: Carbon letters Volume 15, Issue1, p38~44, 31 Jan 2014
  • reduced graphene oxide
  • graphite
  • conductive material
  • capacitive deionization

저작시기 2014-01월

등록일 2016-07-04

파일형식 pdf

페이지 7페이지

가격 0원

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